
Cybercrime investigatorA guy who enjoys hunting down criminals lurking in the cyberspace



Thursday, Nov 2, 2023

This was the first edition of BUG PWN Conference. It was a quite fun one. Link to the presentation: C2 servers: From dedicated servers to Telegram bots P.S. Jump from the 20th min to 49th minute (I had a technical issue during the presentation. Don’t worry, you won’t miss anything; I managed to catch up :)
1 minute read
EOCON Conference 2023

EOCON Conference 2023

Wednesday, Nov 1, 2023

This is a yearly conference organized by Eyesopensecurity. I was privileged to be one of the selected speakers. My topic was “The Art of Hunting down threat actors”. Structure of the presentation: What does a cybercrime investigator do? What are the errors made by TAs? (thanks to which they get caught) Workshop (where I briefly show what this job entails) Links to the presentation: PART 1, PART 2 Apologies, but there seem to be a gap between PART 1 and PART 2.
1 minute read
EyesOpenCTF 2022

EyesOpenCTF 2022

Tuesday, Nov 1, 2022

This writeup is that of the OSINT task of this CTF. OSINT [500 pts] Task description: Catch me if you can TheBox.eml Solution: The email provided (TheBox.eml) can be opened and viewed using Microsoft Outlook or ThunderBird: So, the sender ([email protected]) claims to be writing this email to [email protected] on behalf of Sundar Pichai. NB: This should be flagged as suspicious, because, why would an employee of Alphabet Inc send a business email using their personal email and not a business email (which should be of the form name@companyname.
2 minutes read
About Me

About Me

Sunday, Oct 30, 2022

Hey there! I go by daphnia (yeah, like the microorganism 😅). Currently, I am mostly into OSINT and Forensics (learning bit by bit). These two fields are critical to an investigator. However, I seem to be developing an interest in web pentesting. I think this is because, during investigations, I often fall on the targets’ websites. However, because I have very limited knowledge in web stuff (not to say ZERO), I struggle to analyze those websites.
1 minute read
Canada Immigration - SCAM!

Canada Immigration - SCAM!

Tuesday, Oct 1, 2019

P.S. I initially published this article on medium on 19.10.2019. Disclaimer: I am a newbie in the security field. In fact, I am a noob (as rightly said on HTB), so I still got a long and hopefully interesting journey. The following might be quite basics or boring for some of you experts out there, but I hope to get some criticism from you, and why not reach other newbies like myself.
6 minutes read

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Cybercrime investigatorA guy who enjoys hunting down criminals lurking in the cyberspace